When I Walk with 
Hello and thank you for stopping by.  As a writer my heart dances every time I commune with the LORD.  There is no other joy that seeps through my being except those times spent with Him.  With Him there are no intrusions or competition.  

GOD's love for everyone is unceasing and the truth is He never runs out of it.  How beautiful to know that we are the apple of His eye.  His acceptance of us is sincere and forever. 

This website's goal is to bring glory to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. It is an extension to our main website:  www.gleams-of-hope.net.  Every opportunity to praise and glorify Him is to be considered a blessing.  How I thank Him for prompting my heart and guiding me to once  more use another venue to glorify His name.  It is my hope that you can be a continual reader and sharer on this site.  I invite you to share your own life's testimony about the LORD.  Together we can bring Him glory and honor He deserves.  We need to create that ripple of trust and faith among those who are still searching and seeking to establish that relationship with Him.  

We are reminded of the Almighty GOD's love for us - the loving GOD that He is who sent His only Begotten Son to redeem us.  We bring to mind how the LORD JESUS took upon Himself the weight of men's sins for their redemption.  He paid the ransom by His own life.  This sacrificial love gave us freedom.  Where can we ever find a love so great?  John 3:16.  It is indeed unfathomable that He, perfect and pure, had to suffer for us.  Yes, the truth is always there that He loves us so very much that He gave His life for our sake.  

Intoxicating truly are the LORD's ways!  When you experience His love, kindness and mercy, your life will forever change.  When we accept Him into our heart His HOLY SPIRIT lives within us to guide, protect, mentor and comfort us in our existence.  I faithfully invite you to make today that day to get to know the LORD JESUS.  

He is calling!  He is waiting!  Do you hear His voice?

Maria Virginia Deferia Founder
Gleams of Hope
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Just believe and receive
oothing and comforting is His grace
E nduring is His love so true
U nending mercy and forgiveness He gives
S incerely He walks with us in our faith